Sunday, March 19, 2006

More website tweaking

I added some more goodies to the website, specifically in the "hidden meaning of Eternal Day" section. There are also a couple of pics of Mark and I that Mark recently dug up. There's one of us from high school where I'm posing with a finger in my nose. We look like twins in that photo. It's slightly disturbing how similar we looked. The other photo is when I was living in the Detroit Krishna temple and Mark came to visit me. I think he just wanted a picture with the "side show freak". :) I look so bald and skinny in that pic. Frightening. I also added a counter to the front page so we can get an idea of how many peeps are visiting.

Talked to Mark on the phone today. We're still trying to iron out some things with Veyda and a new character called "Nebrios" (he's actually the demon from Chapter One). I was just thinking: it seems like we do a lot of talking, but no action! Arrrgh! Fie on my procrastination!

I have been doodling and sketching some character designs, though. Maybe I could add those to the website.

Today feels like it's flying by. I've just been dealing with day-to-day stuff, like picking up a bed frame, putting it together, setting up the mattress, driving the box springs to the dumpster, tweaking the website, making lunch, cleaning out my e-mails, doing some laundry, etc. I feel like I don't have enough of a stretch of free time to sit down and focus on drawing. Damn...and I just remembered I have to do something for work tomorrow. Oh yeah, and I need to figure out what classes I need to take for the summer. When, oh when, will this tale of Eternal Day come to full fruition? Fie on you, "real" world!


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