Friday, April 07, 2006

Spring Break

While most people head to destinations that are warm and sunny and spend their time getting drunk and looking for one-night stands, I'll be using this time to work on Eternal Day...hopefully! Chapter 2 is currently being "laid out" on the paper in the form of thumbnail sketches. It's pretty much all fleshed out; just a couple of flashback scenes need to be worked out.

I need to get over this "artist's block" and just frigg'in draw! I feel stiffled or shell-shocked. I need to stop worrying about how it's going to compare to the "pros". Just tell the story, man. Pour the art out of your soul.

In other news: our table for NY Comic Con '07 is reserved. So we'll be there next year. It puts a little more pressure on me to actually get something done. We're hoping to have both Chapter's (2 and 3) ready by then, but it may only be 2. We'll see how things go.

Work, school and life have just been taking all my energy and focus. Hopefully this week off from school and work will allow some time to work on my hobby.

I need to go eat some dinner and finish my Spanish homework. Wee.


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